A look back: Alpine Process Technology Summit Spices 2024:

- Exciting presentations, lively discussions and plenty of practical experience

In April, Hosokawa Alpine customers received exciting insights from industry experts at a two-day Spice Summit.

Spices and herbs are natural products that present their own unique challenges in terms of grinding and further process technology. For this reason, Hosokawa Alpine's customers gained exciting insights from industry experts at a two-day Spice Summit in April.

The Spice Summit attracted a total of around 25 participants, who travelled from as far away as Australia. "We were extremely pleased with the commitment of the participants, their keen interest and the stimulating discussions on the topic of spices," summarised Benedikt Kapinos, Senior Sales Manager and product specialist for spices in the Food division at Hosokawa Alpine.

In-depth expertise for spice processing

At the "Alpine Process Technology Summit Spices", the Augsburg-based machine and plant manufacturer provided its customers with in-depth expertise in spice processing - from cleaning, cutting, grinding and mixing to packaging and product handling. Expert presentations and a practical part in the technical centre went hand in hand.

This gave participants the knowledge they needed to organise spice processes efficiently and develop a high-quality product. In addition to representatives from Hosokawa Alpine and Hosokawa Solids, speakers included Christian Petereit from Behn + Bates (a brand of Haver & Boecker OHG) on the topic of packaging techniques for spices. Jenny König and Josef Robben from Nexopart presented various analysis techniques. A factory tour at Hosokawa Alpine and a joint dinner rounded off the event successfully. "With our summit, we enable participants to expand their network and gain new perspectives," says Kapinos.

The next Alpine Process Technology Summit will take place on 15 and 16 May 2024 on the topic of "Lignin".

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