Product-specific solutions for protein dry fractionation in plant-based foods

- Plant-based raw materials cover increasing demand for proteins

Hosokawa Alpine offers mills and classifiers to enrich the protein content in plant-based powders. The use of vegetable raw materials is an important approach to finding a solution that will enable the increasing demand for proteins brought about by the growing global population to be covered. The protein-shifting process developed by Hosokawa Alpine makes the economic production of high-grade vegetable protein concentrates possible as a substitute for animal proteins.

A model to match every requirement

There are two processes available: the standard process with Contraplex CW II pin mill and ATP air classifier and the precision process with ZPS air classifier mill and as well ATP air classifier. The goal of the two mill systems is the same: to grind the dehulled endosperm structure into its main components – starch and protein – without destroying their structure. The Contraplex CW II is suitable above all for grinding fatty and/or fibrous products. The strengths of the ZPS classifier mill come to the fore especially when the fibre content is low and the aim is to achieve high protein values and yields. Raw materials suitable for the process of dry fractionation are among others wheat and pulses such as faba beans or peas. In the subsequent classification process, an ATP Turboplex classifier separates the ground material into two fractions: a low-protein, coarse fraction and a highly protein-enriched, fine fraction.

Dry protein-enrichment process as an environmentally friendly method

The protein-shifting process makes it possible to produce vegetable proteins as an alternative to animal proteins, thus paving the way for new market opportunities. Further advantages of the dry fractionation process are the low energy and water requirement in comparison to conventional wet processing. The high-precision process thus constitutes an environmentally compatible process for tapping new protein resources.

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